
Use of english pre intermediate exercises
Use of english pre intermediate exercises

use of english pre intermediate exercises

"Would you like?" for giving instructions and offering things politely (would you like a cup of tea?)."Should", "ought to" for past events that did not happen (you should have done it)."Should", "ought to" for probability (it should rain tomorrow)."Should" (ought to) for advice (you should study English)."Must" to talk about deductions in the past (it must have rained)."Must" to talk about deductions in the present (he must be very clever)."Must" in first person (I must visit my mother)."Must" and "have to" differences (you have to drive on the left)."Can", "could", "may", "might" for asking permission or offering."Can", "could", "may" for asking permission or offering."Can" in respuestas cortas (no, I can't)."Can" in negative sentences (I can't help).Saxon genitive with inanimate nouns (yesterday's meeting).Prepositional adjective (the top of the house).Saxon genitive with shops and homes (the butcher's, Mary's house).Saxon genitive basic exercise (my sister's dog).Common mistakes and confusing words - Exercise 1.Demonstratives and time phrases (that happened years ago).Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, what are those? etc.).Demonstrative adjectives (this book, that book etc.).Choosing the correct pronoun with comparatives (as tall as me/I am)ĭemonstrative adjectives and pronouns This, that, these, those.Forming the superlative of adverbs (regular and irregular - the most slowly).Forming the comparative of adverbs (regular and irregular - more slowly).Superlatives 2 (regular and irregular - the best, etc.).Forming the superlative 1 (regular and irregular - the tallest, etc.).Comparatives 2 (regular and irregular - better than, etc.).Forming the comparative 1 (regular and irregular - taller than, etc.).Talking in general and the definite articleĬomparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs.Compare the use of articles "a", "an" t "the".Short answers (mixed types present simple).Question tags and exceptions to the general rules.Question tags with various auxiliary verbs.Question tags with auxiliaries "do" and "did" (you like pizza, don't you?).Question tags with the verb "to be" (you're Spanish, aren't you?)."Can" in simple questions (Can I help?).Question and answer forms Questions in present simple Irregular verbs The most common irregular verbs "If" clauses, had + past participle and mixed modal verbs."If" clauses, had + past participle and "would have"."If" clauses, past simple and mixed modal verbs."If" clauses, present simple and mixed modal verbs."If" clauses, present simple and "will".Softening the imperative ("why don't you.?")."Will" and "going to" (guided discovery exercise).

use of english pre intermediate exercises

Past perfect and past simple: choose correct form of the verb.

use of english pre intermediate exercises

  • Present perfect continuous and present perfect simple (mixed types).
  • Use of for and since with present perfect continuous.
  • Present perfect continuous (guided discovery exercise).
  • Use of for and since with present perfect.
  • Use of yet and already with present perfect.
  • Present perfect (guided discovery exercise).
  • Past continuous (guided discovery exercise).
  • Question forms in past simple: with or without auxiliary?.
  • Past simple (guided discovery exercise).
  • Present continuous (future) "will" (predictions, offers).
  • Present continuous (future) "will" (offers).
  • Present continuous and present simple 3Ĭontrasting present continuous for future and "will".
  • Present continuous and present simple 2.
  • Present continuous and present simple (mixed types).
  • Present continuous (guided discovery exercise)Ĭontrasting present simple and continuous.
  • Question forms present simple: with or without auxiliary?.
  • Question forms with no auxiliary "do" or "does".
  • Affirmative sentences with verb "to be".
  • Present simple (guided discovery exercise).
  • To find more grammar explanations, you can read and listen to our Practising English podcasts. Study these online exercises now to get a good pass at your school, university or English academy this year! Help and model answers for PET exam Just B2ī2 level materials and exam practice Listen and readĮvery now and then, I add new English exercises on the most common grammar structures and vocabulary groups. Vocabulary study with hangman PET Exam practice English grammar and vocabulary exercises English tenses

    Use of english pre intermediate exercises